[베터리 AH뜻] : 1시간에 소모하는 Ampere를 뜻한다.
[battery AH] :: 전류보단 오히려 용량을 의미한다. (아래 원문 참고)
▼추가 질문은 아래 댓글로 남겨주세요
Ah와 A는 다른 개념이다.
베터리는 기본적으로 용량을 갖고있으므로 시간당 어느정도의 전류를 공급할지에 대한 개념으로 Ah를 사용한다.
My earliest electronics projects and my first robot were powered
by regular alkaline batteries,
and I didn’t think about current or the capacity of those batteries.
The batteries were prominently(=눈에 띄게) labeled “1.5V”,
and I was happy in my understanding that putting four in a battery holder got me to 6 volts
(in my understanding : 내가 알기론)
; when the motors slowed down, it was time for new batteries.
When I began designing my second robot,
I found some 12V, 1A motors (what a “1-amp motor” might mean is a topic for another post)
and promptly(=신속하게) wasted many hours
dragging parents and teachers to Radio Shack
and car parts stores looking for a 12V, 1A battery.
No one understood that the batteries were labeled with capacity, not current,
and since the smallest 12V motorcycle and alarm system batteries in town were 3Ah or 4Ah,
I went home empty handed.
I ended up using alkalines.
Apparently(=분명히), once the battery capacity wasn’t in my face,
I forgot about my concern that they would force too much current into my motors.
I made many common mistakes in going about my battery selection:
수많은 실수가 있었다. in ~해가는데 about 베터리선택을
●Not understanding that my circuit would draw whatever current it wanted
from the battery,
as opposed to the battery
forcing a given amount of current into the circuit.
이해없이 that 내 회로가 would draw할지모른다는 whatever 뭔전류든 내가 원한
from the 베터리로부터,
as 반대로 to the 베터리에
힘을가하는 주어진 량 of 전류를 into the 회로에.
●Thinking that my motors would draw a fixed amount of current.
생각하기 that 내 모터가 would draw할것이다. a 정해진 량 of 전류를.
(draw : 소모하다. 잡아먹다.....current와 같이쓰일때 draw의 뜻이다.)
●Confusing current and capacity.
햇갈리기 전류 and 용량을
●Ignoring the “h” in “Ah”
무시하기 the "h"를 in "Ah"에서
●Forgetting about a property, such as capacity, as soon as it wasn’t in my face.
잊어버리기 about a 특성을 such as 용량같은, as soon as 그게 없을때 눈앞에.
The first two points are complex enough
that further elaboration would merit their own posts
; today I want to focus on some technical details of battery capacity
and current and touch on the sloppy attitude
that leads to the last two mistakes.
A battery stores energy; the “capacity” is how much energy it can store.
Energy is measured in joules, abbreviated J,
but it can also be expressed in different units such as watt-hours, abbreviated Wh (for larger quantities, such as residential electricity use, kilowatt-hours (kWh) are used; a kWh is a thousand Wh).
에너지는 Joules에 의해 측정된다.
표현법은 watt-hours이다. 줄여서 Wh이다.
This is similar to the way area can be measured in acres or in square miles: there are units specifically for area, such as acres,
but you can also arrive at a measure of area
by multiplying length by length, to get mile-miles, or the less awkward square miles.
이건 유사하다. to the way area가 측정될수있다는점과 in 에이커s로 or in 평방마일s로.
there are 단위들이있다. 구체적인 for the 영역을위한 such as 에이커s같은,
but 넌 can also 닿을수있다. at a 측정에 of 영역의
by 곱함으로써 length X length, to 얻기위해 mile-miles를, 혹은 덜 어색한 평방마일s를.
(The hyphenation imposed by English grammar
does not help matters
since the hyphen looks like a minus sign
when we are actually multiplying the units together.)
Watts and watt-hours are generally good units for electronics
since they are easily related to voltage and current
and since typical batteries that you can hold in your hand
will have a capacity of a few dozen watt-hours.
(하이픈 imposed된(=조치된). by 영문법에의해)
..은 돕지않는다. 문제들을
since the 하이픈이 보인다. like a 마이너스 기호처럼.
when 네가 실질적으로 곱하기할때 the 단위들을 함께
Watts와 watt-hours는 일반적으로 좋은 단위들이다. for 전자를위해
since 그것들은 쉽게 연관되있다. to 전압 & 전류에
and since 전형적 베터리들 that 네가 can hold할수있는 in 네 손에
will 가질것이다. a 용량을 of a 약간의 watt-hours를.
In the case of a typical battery,
where we can assume a constant voltage,
we can replace watts with volts multiplied by amps.
A 12-volt, 1 amp-hour (abbreviated Ah) battery
and a 6-volt, 2Ah battery each store 12Wh,
but the voltage is usually a critical parameter for a battery,
and once a voltage is selected, the capacity can be specified by the amp-hour rating.
12V에 1Ah = 6V에 2Ah (똑같이 12Wh이다. P=VI 이므로.)
The value in using the amp-hour
is that
it makes explicit our multiplication of rate, the amp, and time,
the hour: a battery rated for one amp-hour
can provide a current of one amp
for about one hour,
two amps
for about half an hour,
or 0.1 amps for about ten hours.
I say “about” because the exact capacity will depend on the current.
그 값 in 사용하는 the Ah를
은 that 이다.
그건 만든다 명백한 우리 곱셈을 or rate의, that amp와 time을,
그 시간: a battery rated된(=정격) for one Ah를 위해
은 can 제공할수있다. a 전류를 of one amp의
for about 한시간동안,
two amps를
for about 30분간,
or 0.1 amps를 for about 10시간 동안.
난 말한다. "약"이라고 because the정확한 용량은will의존한다.on the 전류에.
The current and capacity for a battery are like the speed and range of a car.
If your car has a range of about 300 miles,
you can go 30 miles an hour for ten hours,
or 60 miles an hour for five hours.
Your efficiency will get worse with speed,
so by the time you go 60 miles per hour,
you might run out of gas after only four hours,
for a range of 240 miles.
Going back to my battery search,
looking for a 1-amp battery
was like looking for a car
with a speed of 60 miles
: 60 miles isn’t even a speed,
and even if I revised my search to a car
that could go 60 miles per hour,
it still wouldn’t be a useful specification to look for.
돌아오며 back to 내 베터리 검색으로,
찾아보기 for a 1-amp 베터리를
는 was like 찾아보기와 같다. a car를
with a 스피드 of 60 miles를
: 60 miles는 심지어 스피드가 아니다,
and even if 내가 revised(=수정)했어도 내 검색을 to a car로
that could 갈수있었다. 60 miles / hour로,
이건 여전히 wouldn't be a 유용한 특성이되지않을런지모른다.to look for.
Most batteries on the scale I was looking at
can deliver one amp, just like most cars can go sixty miles per hour.
The maximum available current, like the maximum speed of the car,
might be a more reasonable specification to search for,
though providing those kinds of specifications might make the respective manufacturers nervous.
It is reasonable, though, to consider the maximum current a battery can safely deliver.
That value will depend on all kinds of things, including the chemistry of the battery, but the maximum discharge rate is almost always tied to the capacity. That means that given a particular technology, a battery with double the capacity can deliver double the maximum current.
Batteries are often specified with a discharge rate in terms of C, where C is the capacity of the battery divided by hours.
For example, for a 2Ah battery, C is 2A.
If the battery has a maximum discharge rate of 10C,
the maximum current is 20 amps.
예컨데, for a 2Ah 베터리에서, C(=방전률)가 2A이다.
만약 그 베터리가 갖고있으면 최대 방전률 of 10C의,
the 최대 전류는 20 amps이다. (2A * 10C = 20 amps)
It’s good to keep in mind that a 10C discharge rate means a battery life of less than 1/10th of an hour, and with the loss of capacity that a high discharge rate generally causes, the battery life would be less than five minutes.
As I tried earlier to recall what happened with my failed battery search,
I was struck by the extent to which I ignored the “h” in the “Ah” specification and the ease with which I forgot about my critical “1-amp battery” requirement when I returned to the alkaline batteries.
Unfortunately, this kind of carelessness or sloppiness is common,
especially for beginners who might already be overwhelmed(=당혹스런)
by all the information they need to sort through
and who have not yet had the experience of losing time
and destroying hardware
because of inattention to details.
불행히도, 이런종류of부주의or헐렁함(=똑뿌러지지못한=sloppy)은 일반이다.
특히 for 초보자들을위한 who might 이미 be 당혹스럽게된
by 모든 정보들에의해 they 필요로하는 to 쇼트 through 시키는데
and who have not 아직 갖고있지않는 the 경험을 of 시간손해의
and 망가트린 hardware를
because of 부주의에의해 to 세부사항에대한.
I do not have any particular solution to this problem beyond reminding you to pay attention and think about how things should work before just hooking things up.
Be on the lookout for contradictions
; seeing “Ah” where you expect “A”
should definitely make you very uneasy
and lead you to reevaluate your expectations.
Be on the 경계하고있어라 for 모순들을 위해
; 바라보기 "Ah"를 where 네가 기대하는 "A"가 있는
는 should 분명히 만들어야한다. 널 매우 불편하게
and 이끌어야한다. 널 to 재평가하도록 네 기대들을.
I will wrap up this article with some example battery capacities.
▼2500mAh, 11.1V
Continuous Discharge Rate : 25C (MAX 40C)
2500mAh = 2.5Ah = 시간당 Capacity는 2.5A이다.
지속공급 전류는 2.5A * 25C = 62.5A
최대공급 전류는 2.5A * 40C = 100A
(작은 와이어는 충전용, 두꺼운 와이어는 전원공급용이다.)
▲단점 :: 커넥터가 범용적이지 않아 사용하기 불편하다.
▲오른쪽 면에 있는 5종류의 Connector가 Balance Connector이다.
(2핀~6핀까지 있다.)
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