336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

Electronics for Dummies - blueibook.com.rar

Electronics Circuits for the Evil Genius.vol1.egg

Electronics Circuits for the Evil Genius.vol2.egg



Inventory of parts used in part one

Major Equipment

Your first circuit

Resist if you Must

Reading Resistors

The Effect Resistors have on a circuit

The potentiometer

Light-Dependent Resistors

More Components and Semiconductors

Capacitors and push buttons

The PNP Transistor

The phototransistor Shedding some Light on another component

Two projects and then Some More

Your first project: The Automatic Night Light

Specialized Transistors - The SCS

The Regulated Power Supply

2.Introduction to Digital Electronics

Digital Logic

A Spoiled Billionaire

The Basic Digital Logic Gates

Integrated Circuits CMOS ICs

The First NAND Gate Circuit

Building the First NAND Gate Circuit

Testing the Input at Test Point 1

Test Point 2 - The NAND Gate Processor at Work

Test Point 3 - Introducing the Resistor/Capacitor Circuit

Test Point 4 - The Inputs are Switches

Analog Switches for Digital Circuits

Understanding Voltage Dividers

Create a Light-Sensitive Switch

The Touch Switch

The NAND Gate Oscillator

Building the NAND Gate Oscillator

Understanding the NAND Gate Oscillator

How do we understand what we can't see ?

Controlling the Flash Rate

Create sound output and Annoy the person Next to you.

Introducing the Oscilloscope    (오실로스코프)

Scoping Out the circuit

Using a Transistor to Amplify the Output    (증폭)

The Photo Transistor: You can't do this with an LDR

Digital Logic Project

Design - System and Samples

Consider What is realistic

Build your project

3.Counting Systems in Electronics

Introducing an Analog-to-Digital Converter

Introducing Possibilities - Electronics that count

RC1 - Creating the Switch

Introducing the 4046 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator

The 4017 Walking Ring Counter

Introducing the Walking Ring 4017 Decade Counter

Understanding the Clock Signal Used by the 4017

Controlling the Count - Using the Chip's Control Inputs

Running a Seven-Segment Display

Introducing the Seven-Segment LED

Control the Seven Segment Display Using the 4511 BCD

Decimal to Binary - The 4516

The Displays Automatically Fade Out

Define, Design, and Make your own project

Defining and Designing your Project

Your project: If you can define it, You can make it !

4.Amplifiers: What They are and How to Use Them

What is an Amplifier?        (증폭기)

Transistors as Amplifiers and Defining current

Defining Work, Force, and Power

What do I have to Gain? : Definitions    (이득에 대한 정의)

The world is analog, So Analog is the world

Exploring the OP Amp

Alternating Current Compared with direct current    (직류, 교류)

Ac in a DC Environment

Setting up the Operational Amplifier

Using Feedback to Control Gain.

Applying the OP Amp: Building the Intercom    (인터콤)

Building a Power Amplifier controlled by an OP Amp.

The Electret Microphone

Using the Speaker as a Microphone

Introducing Transformers and Putting It All together

Prototype and Design: Patience has its Rewards

Systems and Subsystems

Switching to the Two-way door phone

Design and Applications: Exploring the Possibilities

Assembling the project




제너다이오드는 RC회로 내에서 사용된다.

이건 조절한다. 입력을 to 4046 IC로 들어가는.

이 회로에서 스위치는 an RC이다.

that 제공하는 전압을 from 4~0V를.

베터리가 9V일때 어떻게 4V를 얻는지가 문제이다.

이때 Zener Diode를 사용한다.

위 그림은 3가지 일반 다이오드의 설명이다.

제너다이오드는 허락한다. 두 방향의 Traffic을,

but only if 충분한 전압이 있을때 pressing backward.

위 그림 Fig L38-2의 왼쪽그림의 모든 전압은

아래에 붙은 저항쪽으로 흘러간다.

오른쪽 그림에서 predetermined된 amount가 blocked된다.

이걸 Zener Diode의 BreakDown이라고 부른다.

Exercise RC1 - Creating the Switch

1.you are going to measure the breakdown voltage of your Zener Diode.

It is rated at 5.1 volts.

Figure L38-4 has two different setups for you.


For the setup on the Left

Total V from TPA to TPC = 9V

V used from TPA to TPB = 9V

Volts used across Zener = 5.1V

How accurate is the rating? =

For the setup on the Right

Total V from TPA to TPC = 9V

V used from TPA to TPB = 5.1V

Volts used across Zener = 3.9V (330Ω일때 기준)

How accurate is the rating? =


1N4731 Datasheet(☞링크)






 Zener Current





 Power Dissipation(=소비전력)




 P=VI (1W=5V*0.2A)

 Junction Temperature




 P-N 경계선

 Storage Temperature Range


 -65 to +175 



  BreakDown Voltage



4.3V를 넘어야

역전류 벽을 




출력 전압이

4.3V가 된다.)


 각 Zener들 마다
Break Down V가


 ☆Z33에 R33이면 5.1출력

 (눈치빠른 분만 이해할듯)




Using the Speaker as a micro phone

인터콤은 갖고있다. a 마이크로폰을 on the 한쪽에


  a 스피커를 그 반대쪽에



Introducing Transformers and Putting It All Together




What we have herre is another electronc component.

Transformers are used in homes in everything from all adapters to microwaves.

트랜스포머는 사용된다. in 집에서 in 모든것에 from all어답터들부터 to 전자렌지까지.

Larger versions are vital to the supply and distribution of electric power.

You will use a miniature transformer like the one shown in Figure L60-2.

큰 버젼은 중대하다.(=vital) to 공급하는데 and 분배하는데 of 전력을.

넌 will 사용할것이다. a 미니어쳐 트랜스포머를 like the 아래 그림같은.

How a Transformer works.

Actually there are two main questions here:

■ How does a transformer work?

■ What does it transformer ?

As you saw with the speaker, 

moving electrons create a magnetic field.

What was not mentioned is that the reverse is also true.

네가 봤듯이 with the 스피커에서,

이동하는 전자는 만든다. a 자기장을.

언급하지않는건 that the reverse 또한 true이다.

A moving magnetic field induces (encourages) electrons to move 

in a conducting wire.

이동하는 자기장은 유도한다. (제촉한다.) 전자들을 to 이동하게끔

in a 컨덕팅 와이어 안으로.

The moving electrons in one wire

create a magnetic field that induces electrons 

in a nearby wire to move as shown in Figure L60-3.

이동하는 전자 in 한개 와이어안안에서

는 만들어낸다. a 자기장을 that 유도하는 전자들을

in a 근접한 와이어에서 to 이동하기위해 as 그림처럼

Also notice that a second wire is too far away 

to be influenced 

by the magnetic field created in the first wire.

또한 주목해라. that a 2차 와이어는 너무 떨어져있다. 

to be 영향받으려고 

by the 자기장에의해 만들어진 in the 1차 와이어에서.

Animated versions of these figures 

are available for viewing 

at www.mhprofessional.com/computingdownload.

Pretty fancy! But better yet, 

examine Figure L60-4. 

It depicts how this concept is applied so neatly in electricity and electronics.

이건 표현한다. 어떻게 이 컨셉이 적용됬는지 so 깔끔하게 in 전기&전자에.

If we lay many wires next to the “primary” wire, 

it will induce (encourage) a voltage 

in each of the “secondary” wires. 

But wait. There’s more.

If each of those secondary wires is connected as one long wire, 

the voltage induced in each wire 

is added to the next. 

This is shown in Figure L60-5.

만약 우리가 lay하면 많은 wires를 next to the "primary" wire옆에,

이건 will 유도할것이다. a voltage를

in each of the "secondary" wires 에서.

But 기다려라. 좀더있다.

If 각각 of those 2차 와이어들이 연결되있으면 as 하나의 긴 와이어로,

그 voltage 유도된 in 각 와이어에서

는 추가된다. to the 다음으로.

이건 그림에 나타나있다.



Checking Out the Audio Transformer

Pull out the miniature audio transformer.

It should be wrapped in green. 

Various colors indicate various uses. 

Most likely there will be three wires on one side and only two on the other as shown

previously in Figure L60-2.

If there are only two wires from each side,

continue with the following exercise. It will

become obvious which side is primary and which

is secondary as you do the work.

The primary side has two wires. The secondary

side has three wires. The middle wire on the

secondary is referred to as the center tap. You can

clip and tape it off. We won’t use it at all.

Plug the test cord into the headphones output of

your sound card. Use the software-based volume

control to adjust the 1,000-Hz wave output to 5

mVac. Now attach the clips to the primary wires of

the transformer as shown in Figure L60-6.

Measure the output of the two outermost

secondary wires (see Table L60-1).

'졸업작품 > 기초전자' 카테고리의 다른 글

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MOSFET (feat. TR종류들)  (0) 2016.06.08
Understanding Battery (=베터리 이해하기)  (0) 2016.05.23
Posted by ElectricShock
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