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기타줄 게이름을 검색해보면 아래 그림처럼 되어있다고한다.

그냥 기타줄만 튕겼을때 나는 음이 ,,,,, 입니다.

도래미 할때 CDE 하고 알파벳 순서로 올라갑니다.

그래서 E=미 에 해당하며 기타 첫번재 줄이 되죠

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실제 연주하다보니 아래 그림이 실제로 적용하기 좋다.

두 플렛을 이동해야 한개의 음이 이동하는데

미&파, 시&도 는 반음차이 이므로 한개의 플렛만 이동하는걸 확인할 수 있습니다.

첫번째 줄에 솔 다음에 두플렛을 이동하며 "라"가 되는데

두번째 줄을 그냥 튕기면 역시 "라"가 된다.

두개 줄을 동시에 튕겨보면서 음의 차이가 없으면 제대로 조율됬다고 볼수 있다.

물론 음감은 어느정도 있어야 된다.



Product Description

Unlock and Explore the Chord Shapes and Harmonic Order of ALL Major and Minor Guitar Chords.

This might sound a little daunting, though it comes down to a few basic shapes and their playing positions on the Guitar Fret.

As you look and play through this Chart, you will see how the Major and Minor Guitar chord shapes change and move. 

알아보자 어떻게 메이저 & 마이너 기타코드 shapes가 바뀌고, 이동하는지

This makes it easy to find and play all possible Major and Minor Guitar Chords and remain in Key. 

The Major and Minor Guitar Chords Chart brings your eye in to the chord shapes and their playing positions on the Guitar Fret. Each finger position is color-coded, subliminally teaching you the note positions as you explore chord shapes.

메이저&마이너 기타코드 차트는 brings한다 네 시선을 into the 코드 shapes에

and their playing positions를 on the 기타 프렛에. (Fret = 칸)

각 손가락 포지션은 color-coded되있다, 잠재의식적으로 가르치며 네게 the 음표 포지션들을

Major and Minor Chords are the staple of modern Music and bringing this to life is the Major – Minor Chord Pattern Chart. This chart shows the finger positions for each note within each of the Major and Minor Guitar Chords.



Using the F Major as an example: We know the Intervals for a Major Chord is 1-5-8. Using the Major – Minor Guitar Chords Chart find the fret map for the F Major Chord. Here you will see the notes of F – A – C that make up the F Major Chord.
사용하기 F 메이저 : 우린 알고있다. 그 간격을 for a 메이저코드는 1-5-8 이라는걸.
사용하기 메이저-마이너 기타코드 차트

Anywhere you can reach and play these three notes at the same time an F Major is played. With Guitar there are standard Chord Shapes. These shapes are used repeatedly to play different chords.


The Chord Shapes are displayed in Chord Blocks where the dots represent the notes played and the vertical lines reflecting the strings. This first shape, when played in open Fret position makes the chord E Major. Slide up one position and barre the first Fret and you play a F Major (E, F, F#, G, etc..) as you move up the fret with this chord shape.

This next shape is the typical shape of a C Major on the open fret. Move up to the 5th fret, barre it, (put your first finger across the entire neck of the guitar) and play another F Major.

The 3rd chord shape is that of the A Major when played at the open fret. Move up to the 8th fret barre it and play the chord shape as shown. Another F Major.

Notice that the chord shapes remain the same, yet the chord changes depending on where it is played.

기억해라 that the 코드 shapes는 남아있다. 똑같이, yet the 코드는 변한다. depending on the 어디서 그게 연주되는지에따라.

As the shape progresses up the fret board one step it changes to the next chord. E.g. F to F#, then to G Major.

As the코드모양은 진행하면서. 위로 ..............it바뀐다. to the 다음코드로 E.g. F>>F#>>G Major

Using the Major – Minor Guitar Chords chart, spend some time noticing how these patterns move and change.

The chart has been organised in a progressing order, meaning that major chords on the left side of the page are harmonically balanced with each other and to their immediate right are their related minors.

Using the Major – Minor Guitar Chord chart play the chords immediately above or below or to the left or right to remain in Key.

Experiment with different chord positions and combinations.

Through this practice resource, you will soon get a feel for how the chord patterns move up and down your guitar neck.

Here are two of the Minor Chord Patterns, the first A Minor from the open fret position and the next A Minor with a barre of the 5th fret.

For a more comprehensive list of Chord Shapes see the Movable Guitar Chords Chart. All Major and Minor Chord Shapes are listed there too.


Posted by ElectricShock
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