336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
Adobe After Effect를 이용한 가상공간 제작이다.
Hi everyone, welcome to TubeTape.com Virtual Set Tutorial.
Today we're gonna show you how to work with virtual sets
ans we'll be using our NewsRoom Virtual Sets
to demonstrate
The basic Green-screen techniques still apply
but there are a few more things
you need to think about
when you're filming (=촬영)
so let's get started.
When shooting for a Virtual Set,
it is very important to plan out what shots you will need.
To begin with, we know our actor was gonna be sitting at a desk.
So we draped(=늘어뜨리다.) a Green-screen
over a table in front of her.
That way, she can rest her arms on it
place an object on the table
when we bring that
into our Virtual Set,
it'll look like she's using the virtual desk in front of her.
Also our new set has multiple angles
to choose from
So you need to know angles you're gonna use
so you can film your actor appropriately
This first image faces directly at the camera
So that's fairly easy to shoot (=정면샷은 촬영하는게 쉽다.)
Just make sure you set the camera at the right height
if you don't wanna tilt the camera up & down
Second image is at about 45 degree angle
so the camera needs to be setup the same way
you don't need to get it absolutely perfect
but get it as close as you can
Also try to fill the frame with your actor
it's much better to scale your actor down to a smaller size to fit it in the Virtual Set
than to increase the size.
Our Virtual Sets also come with Multiple Layers
For example, in the new set
there's an image without the desk
an image of just the desk
So here we have a shot of an actor
walking around
if we place her layer
in between the desk Layer
the NewRoom Layer
it looks like she's walking behind the desk
You could create the same effect
by masking the desk out
but using multiple layers
makes things much easier
So those are the basics of using a Virtual Set
We used After Effect in this demonstration
but any effects or editing program
that supports chroma keying
layers work as well
Remember as long as you plan out your shots(=촬영) ahead of time
Virtual Sets can be fun and easy to use