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RPi용 키보드, 마우스는 따로 없습니다. 다만 키보드+마우스 일체형이 좀 좋긴합니다.

(필요하신분은 댓글주시면 알아봐드리겠습니다.)

[라즈베리 노트북 연결] :: 모니터에 띄우기위함이라면 HDMI케이블 이용을 권장합니다.

노트북화면에 띄우려면 Wifi를 이용해야하는데 비효율적입니다.

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필요하신분들 댓글 남겨주세요





The reason why I came up with this tutorial was because: one day, me along with my friend Suvigya were struggling to work on the raspberry pi, since we did not have any HDMI/AV diaplays. 
Hence, I came up with this tutorial 
so that others who are also in the same situation as ours 

would be able to use the display of their laptops as a monitor 

to the Raspberry Pi.

As we know Raspberry Pi is known as the “Pocket Size PC”, 

but for debugging & project purposes its cumbersome to carry an additional display just for that. Also, many of us wont have access to a HDMI display too. So, we figured out a way to easily connect raspberry pi to laptop display. So sit back and enjoy this simple tutorial :)

What are the stuff required to do this?

  1. Raspberry Pi.
  2. Ethernet Cable.
  3. Laptop.
  4. SD Card with Raspbian.
  5. Micro USB Cable.

(Optional) Components required for setting it up the first time:

  1. HDMI/ AV Display.
  2. Keyboard and Mouse.

How does it work?
To connect raspberry pi to laptop display, 
you can simply use an ethernet cable.
연결하기위해 raspberry Pi를 to 노트북 디스플레이에,
넌 간단히 사용할 수 있다. an 이더넷 케이블을.
The desktop GUI (Graphical User Interface) of the raspberry pi 
can be viewed through the laptop display 
using a 100Mbps ethernet connection between the two.
데스크탑 GUI of the 라즈베리파이
은 can be 비줘질수있다. through the 노트북 디스플레이를 통해
사용함으로써 a 100Mbps 이더넷 커넥션을 between 둘사이에.
There are many softwares available 
that could establish connection between the raspberry pi and your laptop. 
We would be using the VNC server software 
to connect the pi to your laptop.
많은 소프트웨어들이 있다. 사용가능한
that could 구축할수있는 커넥션을 between the 라즈베리파이 & 노트북사이에서.
우린 would be 사용할런지모른다. the VNC 서버 소프트웨어를
to 연결하기위해 the Pi를 to 네 노트북에.
Installing the VNC server on your pi 
allows you to see the raspberry pi’s desktop remotely, 
using the mouse and keyboard 
as if you were sitting right in front of your pi.
사용하기 the VNC 서버를 on 네 Pi에
는 허락한다. 네가 to 보는걸 the 파이의 데스크탑을 원격으로,
사용하며 the 마우스 and 키보드를
as if 마치 네가 앉아있는양 right in front of 네 Pi바로앞에.
It also means that you can put your pi anywhere else in your home, 
but still control it.
그건 또한 의미한다. that 네가 can 놓을수있다는걸 네 Pi를 어디에든 else in 네 집 이외에,
but 여전히 제어하며.
Also, internet can be shared from laptop’s WiFi over Ethernet. 
This also lets you access internet on the pi 
and connect raspberry pi to laptop display.
또한, 인터넷이 can be 공유될수있다. from 노트북의 Wifi로부터 over Ethernet너머로.
이건 또한 let you access하게놔둔다. 인터넷에 on the Pi상에서
and 접속하게끔놔둔다. RaspberryPI를 to 노트북 디스플레이로.

Step 1 : Setting up your Raspberry Pi

Before moving to connect raspberry pi to laptop display, 
you need an SD card having the OS preinstalled. 
You will find lots of blogs and tutorials about preparing an SD card for the Raspberry Pi.
넌 필요하다. an SD card가 갖고잇는 the OS를.
넌 will 찾을것이다. 많은 블로그들을 and 튜토리얼들을

But if you are a beginner, 
you can simply download this free beginner’s guide eBook on pi: Raspberry Pi guide
This will show how to install the OS for the raspberry pi.
After setting up your SD Card, 
insert it into the raspberry pi. 
Next, for powering the pi connect your micro USB cable to it. 
Also connect your raspberry pi to the laptop via an ethernet cable. 
And connect the keyboard & mouse to it. 
Now, connect the HDMI display (the HDMI is only required for running the pi for the first time). 
Now power on your Pi. And follow the next steps to connect raspberry pi to laptop display.

Step 2 : Sharing internet over ethernet

This step explains how you can share your laptop internet 
with the raspberry pi via Ethernet cable.
이 단계는 설명한다. how 네가 can 공유할수있는지 네 노트북 인터넷을 
with the 라즈베리파이와 via 이더넷 케이블을 통해.

In Windows : For sharing internet to multiple users over Ethernet, 

go to Network and Sharing Center. 

Then click on the WiFi network:

윈도우에서: For 공유하기위해 인터넷을 to 멀티 유저들과 over 이더넷을 통해,

go to 네트워크로 및 공유센터.

Then click해라. on the Wifi 네트워크를.

go to Sharing and click on “Allow other network users to connect”. 

Make sure that networking connection is changed to “Local Area Connection”:

Posted by ElectricShock
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