Props Creation Process
Hi everyone. I am Oliver
and in this video, i'm going to display... linkin props into the scene
and you can understand couple of videos..... this first one
First let's go and see what we have.
Basically we work on props
we note props on the scene.
this scene loaded into the shots
and now, let explain the process.
we would have sample ... several props.
let's say Toy, Bed, Window and Pillow for example.
These would be for props.
Each one of this Props would be in the process ... working with
This scene could be ,for example, the Room.
We're going to join all the props.
So basically, this props, and link them into the room.
then we have all the props into the room together in the same scene.
then we have the shot.
Shot 01,02,03,04,05
and we amount the props.
Basically each one the the shots will be taking in the room scenery from this file.
So this is essential (this means Room).
and now let me explain it in detail.
so basically we have first created props
in each one of these Blend files.
OK. Now make sure we use links and Not append.
Append is not your friend.
The main difference between Link and Append
is basically in a scene from another Blend file.
You can control it, you can modify it, you can just go into bu..%% cyes
You have to go to the original file
what happens here is that
each one of these Blend files
is linked into the Room.
So we can not access the side say....the butter sees ?^&%
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