336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.


The power pins are as follows:

●Vin. Vin can be utilised as a voltage input (instead of using the barrel adaptor or USB). 

Vin은 활용된다. as a 전압 입력으로

The voltage should within the 9V – 12V, and it is regulated internally by the board to 5V. 

보드상의 Regulator를 활용 (▶Link)

Vin can also be used as a voltage output, copying the voltage supplied via the barrel adaptor or USB.

Vin은 전압출력으로도 활용된다.

●5V. This pin outputs a regulated 5V from the regulator on the board. 

This pin can be supplied with power either from the barrel adaptor, the USB connector, or the Vin pin of the board. 

이 5V pin은 출력한다. a regulated 5V를

either from the 어답터,USB or Vin으로부터

You can supply voltage via the 5V pin, 

however this bypasses the regulator, and can damage your board. 

Maximum current draw is 0.8A.

또한 공급할수있다. 전압을 via the 5V핀을 통해

하지만 이 핀은 우회한다. the regulator를 and can damage입힐수있다. 네 board를

최대 전류 draw가 0.8A라면

(★Rectifier를 사용하여 전류가 Arduino에 정체되지 않도록 회로를 구성한다면 문제없다.)

●3V3. A 3.3V output supply generated by the on-board regulator. 

This pin can be supplied with power either from the barrel adaptor, the USB connector, or the Vin pin of the board. Maximum current draw is 150mA.

●GND. Ground pins.

You can utilise a range of supplies to power the Arduino via the I/O 

e.g. leads from a battery, external circuit, spliced power supply etc. As Vin is regulated, it’s safe to power using this method, although you lose the additional functionality gained from using Vin as an output if this is required.

Posted by ElectricShock
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