336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

Naver[FDD 설치 방향]

naver[플로피디스크 변환]

참고 링크 ☞()

혹시 부족한 내용이나 찾고자하는 내용을 못찾은 분들은 아래에 댓글을 남겨주세요.

가끔 "플로피디스크" 를 검색해서 오시는 분들이 있는데 개인적으로 어떤 자료를 찾으시려다가 오시게된건지 궁금하긴하네요 ^^

if somebody wants me to add more information of FDD, leave any message below.

Controlling FDD Stepper Motor via Parallel Port



The PC parallel port can be damaged quite easily if you make incorrect connections.

컴퓨터 패러렐 포트는 데미지를 입을수있다. 꽤나 쉽게 if 네가 만들면 잘못된 연결들을.

잘못된 연결을 하면, 페러렐 포트는 데미지를 입을 수 있다. 

If the parallel port is integrated to the motherboard,

repairing a damaged parallel port

may be expensive,

and in many cases,

it is cheaper to replace the whole motherboard than to repair that port.

만약 페러렐포트가 마더보드에 집적하면,

수리하며 a 데미지입은 패러랠포트를

아마 비쌀꺼다.

and 여러 경우들에 있어서,

마더보드 전체를 교체하는게 포트만 교체하는것보다 더 저렴하다. (요즘은 확장포트를 달수 있다.)


Your safest bet is to buy an inexpensive I/O card

which has a parallel port and use it for your experiment.

If you manage to damage the parallel port on that card,

replacing it will be easy and inexpensive.

컴퓨터의 패러렐 포트는 데미지를 받을수있다. 꽤나 쉽게 if 네가 잘못된 연결을 하면.

만약 the 패러렐 포트가 통합되면 to the 마더보드에,

수리 a 파손된 패러렐 포트의

는 아마 비싸게될지모른다.

그리고 in 많은 경우들에서,

이건 더 저렴하다. to 교체하는게 the 전체 마더보드를 than to 수리하는것보다. 그 포트를.

너의 가장 안전한 배팅은 to 구입하는것이다. 저렴한 I/O카드를

which has a 패러렐포트를 & 사용해라.그걸 for 너의 실험을위해.

if 네가 만약 기어이 to 데미지를 입혔다면 the 패러렐 포트에 on 그 카드상의.

교체하기가 쉽고 & 저렴할것이다.

(☆ manage to overcome the disease)

(☆ manage to find four new species)

☆마더보드에 직접 연결보다는 I/O카드를 통한 연결이 좀더 안전하다.



While every effort has been made to make sure the information in this article is correct, the author cannot be made liable for any damages, whatsoever, for loss relating to use or implementation of this article. Use this information at your own risk.


Stepper Motors

스태퍼 모터는 크게 2가지 그룹으로 나뉜다.

PM(=Permanent Magnet)

:영구자석 & 전자석(=electromagnet)사이의 힘을 이용해 회전을 만든다.

:한가지 재미있는 특징은 심지어when 모터의 파워가 없을때도,  모터는 전자저항을 발생시킨다. to 회전을위해

VR(=Variable Reluctance)

:PM과 달리 VR은 영구자석을 갖고있지않다.

:전자석의 힘만 갖고 회전시킨다.

:파워가 없으면 모터는 magnet resistance를 발생시키지 않는다.




So, what are stepper motors and how are they different from conventional electric motors?

Simply put, a stepper motor is a brushless,

synchronous electric motor that can divide a full rotation into a large number of steps.

Conventional motors spin continuously while a stepper motor moves only one step at a time.

Therefore, stepper motors are useful for precise motion and position control.

따라서, 스태퍼 모타가 유용하다. for 정밀한 모션을 위해 & 포지션 제어를 위해


How does it work ?

The simplest way to think of a stepper motor is a bar magnet and four coils. When current flows through coil "A" the magnet is attracted and moves one step to the right. Then, coil "A" is turned off and coil "B" turned on. Now, the magnet moves another step to the right and so on…

스패퍼 모터를 간단히 생각하면 막대자석 & 4개의 코일들이다.

when 전류가 흐를때 through 코일"A"를 통해,

그 자석은 끌어당겨진다. & 이동한다. 한단계 to the 오른쪽으로.

Then 코일"A"는 OFF되고 & 코일"B"는 ON된다.

이제, 그 자석은 이동한다. 또다른 단계로 to the 오른쪽으로 계속


A similar process happens inside a stepper motor, but the magnet is cylindrical and rotates inside the coils. For a stepper motor to move, these coils should be turned on in the correct sequence. However, we don't have to worry about this since we will be using the floppy drive's built in controller.

The Floppy Cable

The floppy cable is usually a flat, gray ribbon cable similar to the standard IDE cable.

The floppy cable has 34 wires (odd colored wire is wire 1).

There are normally five connectors on this cable, but some cables, like the ones I'm using, have only three. These connectors are grouped into three sets:

1. Controller Connector: This is the single connector on one end of the cable and is used for connecting the floppy disk controller, either on a controller card or the motherboard.

컨트롤 커넥터 : 이건 싱글 커넥터이다. on 한쪽끝에 있는 & 사용된다. for 연결하는데 the 플로피 디스크 컨트롤러를 either on a 컨트롤러 타드 혹은 the 마터보드상에서.

    2. Drive A connectors: The pair of connectors (or single connector in the case of a three-connector cable) at the opposite end of the cable is for the A: floppy drive.

    드라이브 A 커넥터들

    3. Drive B connectors: The pair of connectors (or single connector in the case of a three-connector cable) in the middle of the cable is intended for the B: floppy drive.

    드라이브 B 커넥터들

    (Twist 된 부분이 있는게 Floppy Cable의 특징이다.)

    You will notice that there is an odd "twist" in the floppy cable, located between two pairs of connectors intended for the floppy drives.

    The twist changes the connection of the drive on the far end of the twist so that it is different from the drive before the twist.

    This is done to make the drive at the far end of the cable appear as A: to the system and the one in the middle to appear as B:.


    3.5" Drive Connector pin-out



    Floppy Power Connector

    Some connectors might supply only two wires, usually the +5 V and a ground pin.

    This is because the floppy drives in most new systems run only on +5 V and do not use the +12 V at all.

    Making the Connections

    All you need are:

    ●A Parallel port Cable

    ●A Floppy Cable

    ●3 short single core wires (패러팰포트 & 플로피케이블을 연결하기 위한)

    ●A screwdriver (플로피드라이브의 Outer Cover를 열기위한)

    ●A MultiMeter (전압,전류 측정....있으면 도움이 된다.)

    ●A Floppy Drive

    우선, Outer Cover를 열자.

    Connect the 3.5" Drive "A" Connector on your floppy cable to your floppy drive.

    Now, make sure your computer's off and unplugged.

    컴퓨터 전원을 끄고, 코드를 뽑는다.


    Open your computer and take out the floppy power connector.

    Carefully plug this connector to your floppy drive.

    Reversing the red and yellow wires could fry your floppy drive.

    빨강&노랑 와이어들의 뒤집힘은 날려버릴수도있다. 너의 플로피 드라이브를. (Red = 5V, Yellow = 12V)

    You'll see five notches on the power connector. They should point upward when they're installed.

    넌 볼수있을것이다. 5개의 notch(=세김눈)를 on 파워커넥터상의. 그것들은 반드시 위쪽을 향해야한다. when 설치될때.

    Fortunately, these connectors are keyed and therefore difficult to insert incorrectly. Check out the picture below:

    운좋게도, 이런 커넥터들은 key되어있다. & 따라서 어렵다. to 잘못된 꼽기가.

    와이어 색깔과 방향 주의

    컴퓨터 외부에서 사용할 경우 12V인 Yellow WIre는 필요없다.

    Parallel Port Floppy Cable Connector

    Pin # 2 (D0)------> Pin # 20 (Step Pulse)
    Pin # 3 (D1)------> Pin # 18 (Direction)
    Pin # 14 --> Ground (Drive Select A:)

    Finally, connect the other end of the parallel port cable to your computer.

    That's it! Make sure all your connections are correct and there are no short circuits.

    마지막으로, 연결해라. 다른한쪽끝을 to 너의 컴퓨터에.

    그게 다이다. 확인해라. 모든 커넥터들이 올바른지 & 단락된 회로들이 없는지.

    Writing the Code

    Even a small bug in your program could prevent the stepper motor from moving.

    약간의 버그들은 방지할수있다. the 스테터 모터들이 from 움직이는것으로부터.


    After downloading it, put it in your System32 Folder & import it in your project.

    다운로드를 받은후, 넣어라 그걸 System32폴더에 & 임포트해라. 그걸 in 너의 프로젝트안에.


    For sending values to our parallel port, we'll be using PortAccess.Output.

    This method takes in two parameters, address and value.

    ☆ 여기서 중요한 두가지 파라미터들은 "Address"와 "Value"이다.

    For knowing your parallel port address,

    go to Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT) > Printer Port (LPT1) > Properties > Resources > Resource Settings.

    패러렐포트의 주소를 알아내기위해,

    가라. 제어판>>.....>>장치관리자(=Device Manager)

    Here, you'll see the address of your parallel port. Mine is "0378 – 037F".

    This is in hexadecimal form. 0x378 (Hexadecimal) = 888 (Decimal).

    If you are using LPT2, your address would probably be "0x278" (Decimal equivalent is 632).

    For moving the stepper motor, we will have to pulse pin 20 on the floppy drive connector.

    The direction of movement will depend on the high/low state of pin 18.

    Now, since pins 20 and 18 are connected to pins 2 (D0) and 3 (D1) on the parallel port, pulsing pin D0 will move the stepper motor and its direction will depend on the high/low logical state of D1. So, here's a sample code for moving the stepper motor 10 steps in one direction:

    I'm sending the values 1 and 0.

    1 (Decimal) = 0001 (Binary)
    0 (Decimal) = 0000 (Binary)

    Here, I'm changing the high/low state of D0 but I'm keeping D1 constantly low.

    Therefore, the stepper motor will move 10 steps in one direction.

    Notice that I'm delaying the execution of the code after sending a value.

    This delay is needed to provide enough time for the magnetic field inside the coils to build up and move the magnet.

    Without this delay, the coils will switch on and off so fast that the magnet wouldn't move.

    To move the stepper in the other direction, send the values 3 and 2:

    이동시키기위해the스테퍼를 in the 다른 방향으로, 보내라.the값들 3 과 2를:

    3 (Decimal) = 0011 (Binary)
    2 (Decimal) = 0010 (Binary)

    Here, I'm changing the high/low state of D0 but I'm keeping D1 constantly high.

    여기서, 바꾼다. D0의 상태를 High/Low로

    D1은 High 상태로 유지 = D1---Pin18----방향제어


    In future,

    if you plan to use pins other than D0 and D1, always make sure that the values you send are correct.

    The Windows Calculator can be helpful for performing binary to decimal conversions.


    사용할계획이 있다면 다른핀들을, 항상 확인해라. that 그 값들이 올바른지.

    The 윈도우즈 계산기는 유용하다. for 수행하는데 2진수☞10진수 변환에.



    The first time I tried controlling a floppy drive stepper motor,

    I chose wrong values and my stepper wouldn't budge!

    I was checking the connections over and over but I had no clue that the problem was in my program!

    I wasted at least two days because of this.


    Well, here's a screenshot of my 'working' application:


    We have reached the end of this article. 

    I hope you enjoyed it and successfully controlled your floppy drive stepper motor. Now what? Just let your imagination go wild!! 

    Stepper motors can be used to perform a variety of small tasks which require precise motion/position control (for e.g. in robotics). 

    I used mine to pan a camera! Check it out on my blog: http://ashishrd.blogspot.com/2006/11/camera-panning-using-parallel-port.html[^]. 

    If you end up making something interesting, I'd love to hear about it. Happy coding!!  


  1. 16-Mar-2007 - Added photo credits
  2. 21-Dec-2006 – Minor corrections
  3. 09-Dec-2006 – Initial publication
  4. License

    This article has no explicit license attached to it but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves. If in doubt please contact the author via the discussion board below.

    이 아티클은 갖고있지않다. 명백한 라이센스를 첨부된 to 여기에

    but 아마 포함할지모른다. 유용한 텀들을 in the 아티클 텍스트안에 ro 다운로드 파일들을.


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