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졸업작품 의뢰는 (▶LINK)


Circuit Operation:
Timer IC NE555 is used to charge and monitor the voltage level in the battery.

Control voltage pin 5 of IC1 is provided with a reference voltage of 5.6V by zener diode D1.

(ex. 1N4735 ouputs 6.2V)


Threshold pin 6 is supplied with a voltage set by P1 and trigger pin 2 is supplied with a voltage set by P2. 

When the discharged cellphone battery is connected to the circuit, 

the voltage given to trigger pin 2 of IC1 

is below 1/3Vcc 

and hence the flip-flop in the IC 

is switched on to take output pin 3 high.

When the battery is fully charged, the output terminal voltage increases the voltage at pin 2 of IC1 above the trigger point threshold.

This switches off the flip-flop and the output goes low to terminate the charging process.

Threshold pin 6 of IC1 is referenced at 2/3Vcc set by P1. 

Transistor Q1 is used to enhance the charging current.

(Q1 is used as Common Base)

(SL100(=Q1) is equivalent to NPN Transistor)

Value of R3 is critical in providing the required current for charging.

With the given value of 39-ohm the charging current is around 180 mA.

The circuit can be constructed on a small general-purpose PCB.

For calibration of cut-off voltage level, use a variable DC power source. Connect the output terminals of the circuit to the variable power supply set at 7V.

Adjust P1 in the middle position and slowly adjust P2 until LED(D2) goes off, indicating low output. LED should turn on when the voltage of the variable power supply reduces below 5V. 

Enclose the circuit in a small plastic case and use suitable connector for connecting to the cellphone battery.

리튬폴리머 7.4V 충전기 모듈(KB3652-7V4)

▼무선 전력전송 부품


위 제품 회로도는 아래 Charger회로도에 근간을 두고있다.

베터리 레벨 체크하는 회로

Battery Level Monitor Circuit (LINK)

Why your mobile phone battery have more than 2 terminals

안그래도 궁금하긴했음  왜 폰베터리가 4핀까지 있는지

각 핀은 +, BTEMP, -, BSI로 구분된다.

여기서 +, -는 폰에 전원공금을 해줄때 쓰인다.

(BSI :: Battery Status Indicator)

(BSI pin gives the information of the battery to processor)

(2:46) Charging current and status is controlled to ensure longer Battery Life.

'졸업작품 > Zener Diode' 카테고리의 다른 글

제너 + 저항 계산법  (0) 2016.05.10
Zener Diode (=제너)  (0) 2016.04.26
Posted by ElectricShock
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