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Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. 

Today, I am going to combine all of my MATLAB Projects in this post.

I have posted quite a lot of projects on MATLAB 

but they are not well arranged that’s why are not easily accessible.

So, today I finally thought to combine all my MATLAB Projects 

and post their links in this post 

so that you guys can easily access all of them in one place 

just like Arduino , PIC Microcontroller Projects.

고로 오늘 난 마침내 생각했어 to combine하기로 모든 MATLAB프로젝트들을

and 포스트하기로 그것들의 links를 in 여기 포스트에

so that 너네들은 can 쉽게 access할수있지 all of them을 in 한곳에서

just like Arduino, PIC 마이크로 프로젝트들같은걸.

All these MATLAB Projects and tutorials are designed 


written by our team 

and we have done quite a lot of work in compiling these projects 

as you all know MATLAB is the most difficult and vast educational tool.

모든 여기 MATLAB 프로젝트들 and tutorials는 디자인됬다.


쓰였다 by 우리팀에의해

and 우린 이미 끝냈다. 꽤많은 작업을 in 컴파일링에 있어서 이런 프로젝트들을

as 너네 모두 알다시피 MATLAB은 가장 어렵다. and 폭넓은(=거대한) 교육툴이다.

Most of these MATLAB Projects are free to use 

and users can easily download their codes 

from the respective project 

but few of them are not free but we have placed quite small amount of them 

so that engineering students can buy them easily. 

대부분의 이런 MATLAB 프로젝트들은 공짜다. to 쓰는게

and 사용자들은 can 쉽게 다운로드할수있다. 코드들을

from the 개별 프로젝트로부터

but 몇몇은 공짜가 아니다. but 우린 이미 올려뒀다. 꽤작은 량을 of them

so that 엔지니어링 학생들은 can 살수있다. 쉽게.

If you got problem in any of these tutorials, 

then ask in comments of that respective project 

and I will try my best to resolve your problems as soon as possible. 

만약 네가 갖고있으면 문제점을 in any of these tutorials에서,

then 물어봐라 in comments로 of that 개별 프로젝트의

and I will try my best to 해결하기위해 네 문제점들을 as soon as possible.

Moreover, I am also gonna add more MATLAB Projects in future 

so I will keep on adding their links in this post 

so that we have complete record in one place. 🙂

더욱이, 난 또한 gonna 추가할것이다. 더많은 MATLAB프로젝트를 in future

so I will keep on 추가할것이다. their links를 in 여기 포스트에

so that 우린 have 완벽한 recorde를 가질것이다. in 한 공간에.

As I always say, other bloggers are welcome to copy these codes 

but do mention our blog link in your posts and help us grow. 🙂 

So, let’s get started with MATLAB Projects:

내가 늘 말하듯이, 다른 블로거들을 환영한다. to 카피하는걸 이 코드들을

but 언급해라. 우리 블로그 링크를 in 네 post에 and 도와줬으면한다.. 우리 성장을

So, let's get started with MATLAB 프로젝트

Financial Calculations in MATLAB

Hello friends, today I am gonna share a MATLAB project related to finance which I have named as Financial Calculations in MATLAB. 

As this project is the outcome of our team efforts 

so its not free and you can buy it quite easily for just $20 by clicking on the above button.

이 프로젝트가 the결과가되면서 of 우리팀 노력들의

so 이건 공짜가아니다. and 넌 살수있다. 꽤 쉽게 for just $20으로 by 클릭함으로써 on the above button을.

In finance studies, 

there are lot of calculations are required to be done 

so MATLAB plays a very important role in finance calculations 

and showing the pattern in graphical form. 


there are 많은 계산들이있다. 요구되는 to be done되는데

so MATLAB은 매우 중요한 역할을한다. in finance calculations에서

and 보여주며 the 패턴을 in 그래피컬 형태로.

In this project, 

I am first gonna take the Historical Stock Data from web search online 

so in order to run this program, your computer must have internet access. 

After getting the historical stock data of 7 different markets or sectors, 

now there’s a need to convert them into same currency 

so that we can compare it with each other. 

So, I took US$ as a common currency and convert all others to this currency.

이 프로젝트에서

난 처음으로 gonna 취할것이다. the Historical Stock Data를 from web search online으로부터

so in order to 돌리기위해 이 프로그램을, 네 컴퓨터는 must 가져야한다. 인터넷 접근을.

After getting하고나서 the historical stock data를 of 7개의 다른 종목들을 or sectors를,

now there's a 필요가있다. to 전환하기위해 them을 into 같은 환률로

so that 우린 can 비교할수있다. 그걸 with 다른것들과.

So, 나 취했다. US$를 as a 일반적 환률로 and 바꿨다. 모른 다른환률들을 to this currency로.

After that I calculated Expected Returns & Covariance Matrix for all these data for the last 10 years and finally plot them.

Moreover, I have also plotted the frontiers with risk free rate of 3% 

so that the ideal and realistic conditions can be compared.

So, here are the overall steps we are gonna cover in this project:

After that이후에 난 계산했다. 예상 Returns를 & 공분산 행렬을 for 이 모든 데이터를위해 for the 지난 10년간 and 최종적으로 그래프를 그린다.

더나아가, 난 이미 또한 도표화했다. the 개척들 with 리스크 프리 률 of 3%

(Additionally = moreover = furthermore (더 나아가) (LINK))




ECG Simulation using MATLAB

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. 

Today, I am going to share a new project which is ECG Simulation using MATLAB.

In this project, I have designed a complete simulation in MATLAB which is acting as ECG Simulator.

This ECG Simulation also extracts ECG features and performs different functions which are explained in detail below. 

We have put a lot of effort in designing this project that’s why its not free and we have placed a very small amount of $50 so that engineering students can buy it easily.

Moreover, I have also designed a user friendly GUI which is quite easy to operate and you can simulate any kind of ECG data on this ECG Simulator. 

I have also extracted ECG features and then showed them separately.

I have taken ECG data from PhsioBank website.

Before buying this project must read this tutorial completely and also watch the video given at the end of this tutorial so that you are sure what you are buying. So, let’s get started with ECG Simulation using MATLAB:

2족 로봇 시뮬레이션

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