336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

★3D 프린팅 의외 댓글로 주셔도 됩니다.

의뢰 전 도안 뽑는것 도와드리겠습니다.


Configure Blender for 3d printing objects: metric units, measure tools and a 20cm x 20 cm grid 

Blender is a useful and freeware tool to create 3d objects,
but it does not come with a default metric configuration suitable for 3d printer;
I will show here how to easily configure it 
so you can have the same "plate" used on printers, for example a 20cm x 20 cm plate.

- The first step is to activate the metric unity: on the right panel, select the "scene icon", and in the "units" section select Metric; then set the scale at 0.001 
(that is millimeters)

- After that, press the "N" button, 

a section will appear on the right side of the 3d view; scroll down to the "display" section , in the grid floor part:
set grid floor do Z ( the default value) , 

lines 20 , and scale to 0.01 (centimeters).

★20칸을 의미하고, 짝수개씩 증가함(홀수는 증가하지않음)

각 칸은 0.01 = 1cm 단위이다.

▼아래는 X,Y축만 활성화된 상태이다.

That's it! Now you have a 20cm x 20 cm grid, with 1 cm step. 

And the objects measures are correctly displayed (in mm or cm). 
You will see the objects with the correct measures for printing.

You can also add the measure tool, useful to measure the various dimensions of the printable objects:

- go to file->user preferences, (=Ctrl+Alt+U)select the addons panel 

the category 3d-view, and activate the Measure Panel plugin;

now in the left panel at the bottom you will see the Measure section, activate it 

select two vertices in edit mode: it will show you the effective measure.

Another measurement tool is the ruler/protactor

Posted by ElectricShock
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