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아직 CV를 작성하지않았다면 (☞링크)

About.... 왜 Cover Letter가 필요한지, Cover Letter 쓰는법



Skill Up: How To Write A Cover Letter

Ok, you’ve got your first CV up and running 

but what about the cover letter? 

After all that hard work, it might be tempting to submit your job application without one. 

But hold it right there! 

It's important to understand how a cover letter can make all the difference when it comes to getting the job you want.

네가 이미 습득했다면 your first CV를 and 작성중이라면

헌데 cover letter는 뭐란말인가?

After 모든 힘든작업후에는, 그게 부추기게될것이다. to 제출하라고 너의 지원서를 without one. (귀찮아서 Cover Letter를 내고 싶지않을꺼라는 말)

But 하던일을 멈춰라 거기서!

이건 중요하다. to 이해시키는게 how a 커버레터가 can make 모든the차이점을 만들수있는지 when 그게 다가올때 to 얻으며 the 직업을 네가 원하던.

Why do I need a cover letter?

good cover letter is like the wrapping paper for your cv; 

it gets an employer excited about what’s inside.

While your CV tells a potential employer about your skills and experience; 

a cover letter tells them exactly why you're applying.

Since most employers have to look

over hundreds of job applications; 

writing a cover letter can make you stand out of the crowd.

It shows them that you are genuinely interested in the job 

and motivates them to interview you.

And as it’s the first thing they’ll see, it’s your chance to make a good impression and explain to them why you’re a perfect fit for the job. 

A 좋은 Cover Letter는 like the 포장지같다. for 너의 CV를 위한;

그건 gets an 고용주들을 excited하게끔한다. about 뭐가 안에 있는지에대해.

While 너의 CV는 말한다. a예비고용주들에게about 너의skills와experience에 대해;

a cover letter는 말한다. 그들에게 정확이 왜 내가 지원하는지

(★왜 내가 지원하는지를 꼭 명시해야 한다는 말이다.)

Since 대부분의 고용주들은 have to 둘러볼필요가있다. 수백만의 job 지원서들을;

작성하기 a cover letter 는 can 만든다. 널 두드러지게 of the (지원자)무리들에서.

이건 보여준다. 그들에게 that 네가 진짜 관심있는지 in the 직업에 

and 동기부여시킨다 그들을 to 인터뷰하게끔 널.

And as 그게 첫인상이되며 그들이 볼, 그건 너의 기회이다. to 만드는 좋은 인상을

and 설명한다. to 그들이게 why 네가 완벽히 맞는지 for the job에.

Alright, how do I write a cover letter?

It's important to remember that every cover letter should be unique to the job you're applying for. 

But there is also a standard way to structure them. 

You can separate your letter into three parts:

기억하는게 중요하다. that 모든 cover letter는 should be 유니크해야한다. to the job에 네가 지원하고자하는. (★복사 붙여넣기 안되고, 해당회사에 맞는 용어선택)

But there si 또한 a 표준 방법이있다. to 구축하는데 그것들을.

넌 can 분류할수있다. 너의 letter를 into 3가지 파트들로:

Paragraph One - The Intro

This is the easy part. Address whoever is receiving the letter, then introduce yourself and which role you’re applying for. They’ll want to know who you are and why you’re writing. If you can, try and find out the name of the person who will be receiving the letter. This grabs their attention and shows that you’ve taken the time to tailor your letter specifically for them. When in doubt, settle with “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom It May Concern”.

받는사람의 이름을 명시하도록 노력할것

특별히 그사람을 위해 글을 작성했다는 인상을 줄 수 있다.

Paragraph Two - The Pitch

Now this is where you get to really sell yourself.  First of all, let them know why you want to work for them. Don’t just say “I need a job”; get creative! If you’re a fan of one their products, let them know. Or maybe you’re after a challenge? Write that down, too!

Next, look at the job description and write down what makes you right for that specific role. If it’s a customer service job, tell them about how good you are with people. If the job will require you to handle money, let them know about your great maths grades. 

The aim here is to show your interest in the job and summarise your relevant skills. Make sure you don’t just repeat what’s on your CV; this is more about getting them to read it in the first place. 

왜 여길 지원했는지 써야한다. 해당회사 제품에 대해 이야기하는것도 한가지 좋은 방법이다.

job description을 참고해서 써내려간다. 자신이 왜 이 역할에 딱 들어맞는지

보여줘야할건 ①직업에 대한 관심도  ②너의 관련기술들. 이다.

CV에 있는걸 반복해서 언급하지 않는다.

Paragraph Three - The Sign Off

Alright, you're almost done. But like any polite conversation you can’t just up and leave without saying goodbye. Thank the reader for their time, let them know you’re looking forward to hearing from them, and sign off with a nice Sincerely or Regards. 

글의 마무리로 작별인사같은 메세지가 좋다.

읽어줘서 고맙다라는말이나 혹은 꼭 뽑아주길 간절히 바란다는 말처럼 말이다.

….And you’re done. Make sure you check it over for typos and spelling mistakes!

Remember, try not to use the same letter for different job applications. Spend the time to write out a cover letter that is unique to each job and you'll be surprised at the results.

Still not sure? Check out our example cover letter to get you inspired.

다끝났으면 철자가 틀린게 없나 확인해보는건 기본이겠지?

늘 강조하지만 복사&붙여넣기로 여러회사에 쓰는건 좋지않다는점

도움이 되셨다면 아래 공감 혹은 댓글을 남겨주세요 (댓글을 더 좋아합니다.)

Posted by ElectricShock
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