Consider the following definitions in an assembly program
d1: .byte 0, 1, 2, 3
and assume that the following instructions are used to add the content of the last two numbers and leave the result in R12
1 ?
2. LDD R12, Y + 2
3 LDD R13, Y + 3
4 ADD R12, R13
R12에 Load하고 R13에 Load하고 R12+R13 이렇게 ADD연산
What instruction would you add at the first position of this block to perform the correct operation ?
Two instructions LDI R29, lo8(d1) and LD R28, hi8(d1)
if we use sequences of 8 bits, how many unique binary sequences can we encode?
만약 사용하면 시퀀스를 of 8bit, 얼마나많은 유니크 2진수 시퀀스를 can 우리가 만들수 있는가?
2^8 = 256
which of the following nunbers cannot be a number in base 6 ?
어느것... of 따라오는 숫자들의 ...이 cannot be a 숫자가될수없는가 in base 6 ? (6진수)
1701 <<< 6이상의 숫자가 들어가면 안됨 (6포함)
Study the folowing 9 bit integer encoded using sign-magnitude:
알아봐라 the 따라오는 9bit 정수 인코드된 사용하여 sign-mangnitude(=부호있는)
Convert this to decimal
2^7+2^6+2^2+2^1 = 128+64+4+2 = 198
Study the following 9 bit number 011010001
The number format is fixed-point with 4 bit integer,
5-bit fraction, unsigned.
Convert this to decimal. Use as many decimal places as necessary
알아봐라. the 따라오는 9bit number 011010001
the 숫자 포멧은 fixed-point이다. with 4bit 정수로된,
5-bit는 fraction(=분수), unsigned(=부호없음).
변형시켜라. 이걸 to 10진수로. 사용해라. as many 10진수 자리들을 as 필요하다면
0110 = 2^2+2^1 = 6
1001 = 2^-1 + 2^-4 = 0.5625
Study the following 7 bit number:
The number format is floating-point with 1 sign bit, 2 exponent bits, 4 mantissa bits.
The exponent is signed with a bias of -1.
There is no implicit one for the mantissa in the encoding (0,mantissa)
Convert this to decimal, use as many decimal places as necessary.
알아봐라 the 따라오는 7bit 숫자를
the숫자포멧은 floating point with 1 sign bit,
2 exponent bits, (=지수부)
4 mantissa bits. (=소수점아래)
the exponent는 부호가붙었다. with a bias of -1.
there is No 절대적인 one은 없다. for the mantissa를 위한 in the 인코딩에서
바꿔라 이걸 to 10진수로.