336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

OSM (=Open Street Map)

▼여기 참고


File >> User Preferences... >> AddOns >> Install from File

확장자 보이게하는 방법(링크)

(▲이걸로 https://github.com...에 있는 io_import_scene_osm.py를 클릭하면 보이는 *.txt를 *.py로 변경)


(▲이걸 설치한다. 아래경로를 참고한다.)

(C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.73\scripts\addons.....여기에 폴더만들것)

Click Install from file Button.

(▲위그림 혹은 ▼아래그림)

이제 아래 그림처럼 Import 할 수 있다.


Generate the .OSM of the city



위 사이트로가서 도시검색



The addon imports building outlines, roads and paths from a file in the OpenStreetMap format (.osm).

애드온은 임포트한다. 빌링 아웃라인들을, 로드들을 and 골목길들을 from a 파일로부터 in the OSM 포멧으로.

OSM objects can be imported as flat Blender objects 

or as extruded ones with the specified thickness.

OSM객체들은 can be 임포트될수있다. as flat Blender 객체들 

or as extruded된 ones로써 with the 특정 두께로.

Either new custom properties latitude and longitude are set for the active Blender scene 

or previous values of the custom properties latitude andlongitude are kept. 

In either case the Blender scene is said to be georeferenced.

Either 새 주문 properties 위도,경도 가 셋되있든 for the active Blender 씬을위해

or 이전 값들 of the 주문 properties 위도,경도 가 유지되든

In 두 케이스에서 the 블랜더는 불린다. to be georeferenced된다고.

(To georeference means to associate something with locations in physical space.)



Download the latest version of the addon io_import_scene_osm.py

and install it via the usual Blender way:

●File → User Preferences... → Addons → Install from File...

●Find the file in your file system and press Install from File... button

●Enable the addon by checking the Enable an addon



●File → Import → OpenStreetMap (.osm)

●Find the file in your system

●If Ignore existing georeferencing checkbox is checked,

existing georeferencing is ignored and a new one is maked

●If import as a single mesh checkbox is checked, OSM objects are imported as a single mesh instead of separate Blender objects.

This option makes sense if you are going to import a file with thousands of OSM building outlines

●Check the Import buildings checkbox to import building outlines

●Check the Import roads and paths checkbox to import roads and paths as edges

●Optionally set a non-zero thickness to get extruded objects instead of flat ones

●Press Import OpenStreetMap button

Posted by ElectricShock
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