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이메일 내용(From 쿠알라룸푸르)

Dear Alex,

Greetings from PayPal! It's me Ira, once again from PayPal customer support.
This is a follow up email we’ve sent to you in regards to your recent contact with us on 8th Jan 2018 about withdrawal on your PayPal account.
이건 a 따라온 이메일이다 우리가 받은 to 네게서 in regard to 네 최근 연락에 관해서 on 8일 1월 2018년(어제) about 출금에 관해 on 네 PayPal 계좌상에서.
From your email, I understand that your withdrawal failed and you think your business name is used on the bank's name and not the real name.

I have checked your account and found your business name Fyo is registered for the bank account holder's name. 
May I know about your bank account type, is it business account or personal account?

난 이미 확인했다. 네 계정을 and 발견했다. 네 business name Fyo가 등록되있다고 for the 은행계좌 holder's name으로. 

알아봐도될까 네 은행계좌 타입을?, business account인지 personal account인지?

Please be advised, the name on your bank account must match the name on your PayPal account.

If you are using personal bank account and not business bank account, 

please remove the old bank account and add the bank account.

조언을 받길 바란다. the 이름... on 네 은행계좌 ...는 must 일치해야한다. the name on your PayPal account.

만약 네가 사용중이면 personal bank account를 not business bank account를,

please remove the old bank account를 and 추가해라 은행 계좌를.

Here’s how to remove your bank account:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Profile near the top right corner of the page.
  3. Click Profile and settings.
  4. Click Financial information.
  5. Click Update next to "Bank accounts".
  6. Select the bank account you want to remove.
  7. Click Remove.
Here's how to re-add the bank account to your PayPal account:
  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Profile near the top right corner of the page.
  3. Click Profile and settings.
  4. Click Financial information.
  5. Click Add my bank next to "Bank accounts".
  6. Enter your bank account information.
  7. Click on Use Personal Name below your business name and it will put your personal name to be on the bank's account holder's name.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Review information, then click Save.

I hope my explanation clarifies your inquiry. If you have any questions, click Help & Contact at the bottom of any PayPal page. Thanks for choosing PayPal and have a great day ahead!


Copyright© 1999-2018 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. 

Consumer Advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

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Posted by ElectricShock
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