336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.



Unfortunately, the STM32f407VG microcontroller in our kit does not have any model of the proteus.

So we do not have a chance to simulate the programs we wrote in the ISIS environment. 

So we will either have a kite that owns this processor, 

or we will design ourselves a development board by mounting this processor on a card.

Now that I have the STM32F4DISCOVERY kit, I will give you samples through this kit.

Our first application microcontroller programming will be led blinking application which is classicized at the beginning stage.

Let's not forget that everything begins with burning and extinguishing in this world. .

In our course we will process input and output operations using the input and output libraries that the microc has provided us.

In the STM32F4DISCOVERY kit there are 4 different colored LEDs connected to the pins of the processor.

These LEDs are connected to pins 12, 13, 14 and 15 of port D. 

So we will define port D as the exit in our first application.

The difference between ARM processors and PIC processors is that we can control the clock source for each peripherally.

In this way, significant loss of power is prevented.

To use the ports for input and output, we also need to enable the clock frequency that feeds them.

In addition, input and output ports can be operated at 4 different speeds.

This status is specified in the datasheette.

If you want, let's look closer at the things we talked about by looking at my codes.




In these codes, the GPIOD_ODR is the value register of the named register PORTD.

We recommend that you review the STM32f407VG reference manual

for more detailed information on this register.

You can find the Reference Manual here.

GPIO_Digital_Output "command, the port input / output speed is set to the default speed of 2MHZ.

Our processor was run on 16MHZ using this built-in osculator.

In our progressive applications, we will run the processor at the highest speed of 168MHz.

I'm not talking about PLL settings because we have our first note right now.

In our next exercise I will show you how to adjust the PLL and how to set the clock speed of the processor.

After compiling our program, we can load our hex code to my processor via the ST-LINK programmer on our STM32F4DISCOVERY kit, without the need for any further tools or programs.

This is enough to click on the "build and program" icon. 

We do not need to install ST-LINK driver in order to connect to our computer via mini usb.

You can see the running video of the program below.

Toggle LEDs.txt

ADC Timer Encoder LCD.txt

'ARM > MikroC Pro for ARM' 카테고리의 다른 글

STM32F407 (김영빈)(의뢰자)  (0) 2017.08.16
Posted by ElectricShock
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