336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.



[NI 9485]

[Ni 9211]

[ni 9215 아날로그 입력...]

제품관련 문의 댓글로 주셔도 됩니다.

▼왼쪽부터 Ethernet, Wifi, USB 버젼

가격 한화로 40만원

Resolution 16 bit

4 Channel 사용

NI 9215 Datasheet.pdf

The NI 9215 is an analog input module for use with NI CompactDAQ and CompactRIO systems.

The NI 9215 includes four simultaneously sampled analog input channels 

and successive approximation register (SAR) 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs).

The NI 9215는 아날로그 입력 모듈이다. for 사용을 위해 with NI CompactDAQ and CompactRIO 시스템들과 함께.

The NI 9215 포함한다. 4개의 동시에 셈플링되는 아날로그 입력 채널들을

and 연속적인 근사치 레지스터 (=SAR) 16비트 ADC를.

The NI 9215 contains NIST-traceable calibration, 

a channel-to-earth ground double isolation barrier for safety and noise immunity, 

and high common-mode voltage range.

The NI 9215는 포함한다. NIST-traceable calibration(=교정),

a 채널-to-접지 GND 더블 격리 장벽 for 안전을 위한 and 노이즈 면역을 위한,

and 높은 common-mode 접압 범위를.

NI provides more than 100 C Series modules for measurement, control, and communication applications. C Series modules can connect to any sensor or bus and allow for high-accuracy measurements that meet the demands of advanced data acquisition and control applications. 

• Measurement-specific signal conditioning that connects to an array of sensors and signals • Isolation options such as bank-to-bank, channel-to-channel, and channel-to-earth ground 

• -40 °C to 70 °C temperature range to meet a variety of application and environmental needs 

• Hot-swappable 

The majority of C Series modules are supported in both CompactRIO and CompactDAQ platforms and you can move modules from one platform to the other with no modification.


CompactRIO combines an open-embedded architecture with small size, extreme ruggedness, and C Series modules in a platform powered by the NI LabVIEW reconfigurable I/O (RIO) architecture. Each system contains an FPGA for custom timing, triggering, and processing with a wide array of available modular I/O to meet any embedded application requirement. 


CompactDAQ is a portable, rugged data acquisition platform that integrates connectivity, data acquisition, and signal conditioning into modular I/O for directly interfacing to any sensor or signal. Using CompactDAQ with LabVIEW, you can easily customize how you acquire, analyze, visualize, and manage your measurement data.

▼판매하는사람 링크


NI-9421 : Analog output module for any CompactDAQ and CompactRIO systems.


NI-9485 (Relay) : 8Ch Solid-State Relay(=SSR) Digital Output Module


NI-9425 : 32Ch (Sinking Input) 7us Series Digital Module


NI-9205 : 16 AI Differential / 32 AI Single-Ended


NI-9477 : 32 DO, 0v~60V Sinking 8us (내부적으로 Short시킴)



NI-9411 : 6 DI, 5V~24V, Differential-Single-Ended 500ns

Phase A와 Phase B 관련 포트로 구분되있다.



NI-9264 : 16 AO Simultaneous (= Done at the same time)

Analog출력으로 Load를 제어



NI-9201 : 8 AI Aggregate (=whole fomed by combining several elements)

Analog값을 체크 (8채널)



NI-9232 : 3 AI Simultaneous



NI-9474 : 8Ch, Sourcing C Series Digital Output Module



NI-9211 : 4TC Aggregate (Thermocouple : 열체크용)



NI-9215 : 4 AI Simultaneous



NI 장비의 기본 구축 모습

Chassis와 Controller가 기본이고, 용도에 따라서 Module을 구축하면 된다.

실무에서 활용할때의 PXI-1042 의 모습

SAS센서검증 지그

NI-9211은 참조전압을 이용하여  온토를 체크하는 방식이다.

'L > LabVIEW' 카테고리의 다른 글

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1.LabVIEW + ATmega128  (0) 2016.08.10
0.LabVIEW for Everyone  (0) 2016.08.10
Posted by ElectricShock
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