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반전 증폭기 VS 비반전 증폭기 비교분석

#반전증폭기 사용이유 #비반전증폭기 사용이유

Naver[염도계 회로도]

naver[반전증폭기 비반전증폭기 차이]

차이는 이득값에 마이너스가 붙느냐 안붙느냐 차이이다.

사실 그냥 이득이 크게나오면 그 값을 쓰면 된다.

[반전증폭기 이득] :: 반전증폭 이득 값은 앞에 마이너스가 붙으며 FeedBack저항에 비례한다.

[반전 비반전 증폭기 같이 쓰면] : 같이쓴다고 상쇄되서 0이 되는건 아니다.

증폭률에 포인트를 두고 설계해야한다.

[반전 증폭기 반전 안되는 이유]

[반전 비반전 증폭기 차이] :: 실제회로에선 차이가 크게 없습니다.

증폭률이 큰 비중을 차지하죠.


Salinity Tester (=염도계)

OPAMP를 사용한 비교기라고 보면 된다.

How the circuit works.
The circuit is ready running When dipping or dip the probe into the solution or food.

회로는 동작할 준비를 한다. when 담글때 the probe를 into the 음식에.

Then press switch-S1, by has IC1/1(LM324) amplify a differential signal, 

the voltage output at pin 1 as quantities resistance or conductivity of the solution foods has salt component is measured through the probe.

눌러라 Switch-S1을, by 시킴으로써 IC1/1을 증푝시키도록 a 차동시그널을,

the 전압출력 at 핀1의

Which if a water or foods with little salt as an ingredient. The resistance is quite high.

Less current to flow through it. 

The voltage comparator circuit so has the output at pin 1 a few, As a result output at pin 14, pin 8 and pin 7 of IC1/4,IC1/3 and IC1/2(LM324) have all high state, makes the LED5, LED4 and LED3 not glow.
Water or food, that have a salt is very complement. Resistance is relatively low. 

Current to flow through much, makes the output signal at pin 1 much into the voltage comparator circuit , as a result the output at pin 14, pin 8 or pin 7 of IC1/4, IC1/3 and IC1/2 has state is high only one or all, makes LED5,LED4 or LED3 in order to light up.
Additional will use LED5 yellow. If brightness is represented by the amount of salt. With little food or water. If the green light is LED4 is represented by the amount of salt in food or water has Fitted. And the LED3 will light red when the user is represented by the amount of salt in food or water is too much.

Class D Audio Amplifier


Class D Amplifier is also known as a Switching Amplifier


각각 N-Channel MOSFET // P-Channel MOSFET을 사용했다.

Source부분을 공통으로 묶어주고 inductor를 지나가면서 전류를 키워주고 LOW PassFilter를 거치면서 노이즈를 잡아줍니다.


▲TR 종류들 참고링크

'졸업작품 > 기초전자' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by ElectricShock
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