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Single-Point Load Cells
This Single Point Load Cell is used in small jewelry scales and kitchen scales.
It’s mounted by bolting down the end of the load cell where the wires are attached, and applying force on the other end in the direction of the arrow.
Wires가 연결된곳을 bolting down하고, 그 반대쪽에 화살표 방향으로 힘을 가한다.
Where the force is applied is not critical,
as this load cell measures a shearing effect on the beam, not the bending of the beam.
If you mount a small platform on the load cell, as would be done in a small scale, this load cell provides accurate readings regardless of the position of the load on the platform.
Getting Started with Load Cells
Load Cell Basics
Types of Load Cells
A load cell is a physical element (or transducer if you want to be technical) that can translate pressure (force) into an electrical signal.
So what does that mean? There are three main ways a load cell can translate an applied force into a measurable reading.
Hydraulic Load Cells
Hydraulic load cells use a conventional piston and cylinder arrangement to convey a change in pressure by the movement of the piston and a diaphragm arrangement which produces a change in the pressure on a Bourdon tube connected with the load cells.
▲Pneumatic Load Cell에 의해 W를 적용하면 Nozzle과 Supply사이의 공기압이 Pressure Gauge로 빠져나간다.
이는 Load Cell의 원리와 유사하다.
Wheatstone Bridge
I'm trying to wire it up to my Arduino to detect changes in weight. From what I understand, the changes in voltage
So I bought an 8-pin LM741CN Op-Amp at Radio Shack that looks something this: I found this video that shows how to wire everything up. However, I can't figure out the schematic and why they are using two load sensors instead of just one. 난 can't 이해할 수 없다. the 회로를 and 왜 그것들이 사용하는지 두개 로드센서들을 instead of just one대신에. They also mention resistors but I'm not sure why they are using them (and why the sizes they chose), or where in the circuit to put them. |
Can someone please help me figure out how to wire this thing up to detect changes in voltage?
도와줄 누군가 있나? 날 이해하게끔 how to wire연결하는 이걸 up to 감지하기위해 변화들을 in 전압에있어서
Also, is there a way to do this by using only one of these sensors?
This is what I've done so far:
또한, 방법이 있는가 to do 이걸하는 by 사용함으로써 하나의 센서를
이게 what이다. 내가 여태껏 해온.
The amp also has some pins that I don't understand: Offset null, NC. What are these pins for? Should I be using them?
Update: Now I am working with an Instrumentation Amplifier (AD623).
I also now have a 4-wire load sensor that I am playing with.
Still can't get it to work,
but I thought I would try to understand that before moving to the 3-wire load sensor.
▼차동증폭기 계산식