Twitter suspended account (=트위터 보류)(feat.계정 새로 만들기)
트위터가 Suspended 상태인 경우, 여러가지 요인이 있다.
[트위터 unsuspended]
our account (@??????) is currently suspended.
For more information, please visit Suspended Accounts.
About suspended accounts
In order to maintain a safe environment for users on Twitter,
we may suspend accounts that violate the Twitter Rules.
Common reasons for suspension may include:
유지하기위해 a 안전한 환경을 for 유저들을위해 on Twitter상에서,
우린 아마 묶여있을것이다. 계정이 that 위반한 the Twitter Rules를.
일반적인 이유들... for 붕뜬 ...은 아마 포함할것이다. (아래 사항들을)
Spam: Most of the accounts we suspend are suspended because they are spammy, or just plain fake, and they introduce security risks for Twitter and all of our users.
These types of accounts are against our Twitter Rules. Unfortunately, sometimes a real person’s account gets suspended by mistake, and in those cases we’ll work with the person to make sure the account is unsuspended.
Account security at risk: If we suspect an account has been hacked or compromised, we may suspend it until it can be secured and restored to the account owner in order to reduce potentially malicious activity caused by the compromise.
Abusive Tweets or behavior: We may suspend an account if it has been reported to us as violating our Rules surrounding abuse. When an account engages in abusive behavior, like sending threats to others or impersonating other accounts, we may suspend it temporarily or, in some cases, permanently.
Can I unsuspend my account?
You may be able to unsuspend your own account.
If you log in and see prompts that ask you to provide your phone number or confirm your email address, follow the instructions to get your account unsuspended.
넌 아마 가능할지모른다. to unsuspend하는게 네 소유 계정을.
만약 네가 log in하면 and 보면 prompts를 that 묻는 네게 to 제공하라고 네 폰번호를 or 확인하라고 네 이메일 계정을, 따라가라. the instructions를 to get하기위해 네 계정을 unsuspened상태로.
Are you seeing a message that your account is locked?
Your account may also be temporarily disabled
in response to reports of spammy
or abusive behavior.
For example, you may be prevented from Tweeting from your account
for a specific period of time
or you may be asked to verify certain information about yourself
before proceeding.
Take a look at this article for help unlocking your account.
보고있는가? a 메세지를 that 네 계정이 locked됬다는?
네 계정은 아마 또한 be 일시적으로 disabled됬을것이다.
in 응답하는 to 스팸신고에
or 남용하는 행위에
예컨데, 넌 아마 be 막혀있을것이다. from 트위팅하는걸 from 네 계정으로부터
for a 특정 기간동안
or 넌 아마 be 질문받을것이다. to 확인하기위해 특정 정보를 about 네자신의
before 처리하기전에
Take a look해라 at 이 article을 for 돕기위해 unlocking하는걸 네 계정을.
File an appeal and we may be able to unsuspend your account. If you are unable to unsuspend your own account using the instructions above and you think that we made a mistake suspending or locking your account, you can appeal. First, log in to the account that is suspended. Then, open a new browser tab and click here to file an appeal.
More about the Twitter Rules
In the Twitter Rules, we describe the circumstances that could lead to account suspension or other policy enforcement actions. You can find more specifics about our abusive behavior policy here.
For some tips on best practices for using Twitter (information about how many users you can follow, how to participate in Trends, how many replies to a single account are too many, etc.), read this article.
▼Suspended 상태에서 Follow를 누르면 뜨는 메세지
Your account is suspended and is not permitted to follow users.
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....라는 메세지가 뜨네요
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★트위터 계정 새로만들기
PC에서 트위터를 추가하려하면 기존계청 추가만 가능하고 새로운 계정은 추가가 안됩니다
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