OrCAD Tutorial
Capture 시작하기
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Capacitor는 위 그림처럼 Part Search를 하면 역시 검색 가능하다.
없는 부품들 라이브러리 추가하려면
여기서 다운받는걸 권한다. (회원가입은 필수)
Library |
Part |
Sw_tOpen |
R |
OrCad Library 만들기
Ch1 Getting started
Ch2 The Capture work environment
Ch3 Starting a project
Creating new projects, designs, libraries and VHDL files
Ch4 Setting up your project
Ch5 Printing and plotting
Ch6 Design structure
Ch7 Placing, editing and connecting parts and symbols
Ch8 Adding and editing graphics and text
Ch9 Using macros
Ch10 Changing your view of a schematic page
Ch11 About Libraries and parts
Ch12 Creating and editing parts
Ch13 About the processing tools
Ch14 Preparing to create a netlist
Ch15 Creating a netlist
Ch16 Creating reports
Ch17 Exporting and importing schematic data
Ch18 Generating a Part
Ch19 Using Capture with OrCad Layout
Ch20 Using Capture with PSpice
Orcad is a suite of tools from Cadence for the design and layout of printed circuit boards (PCBs).
We are currently using version 9.2 of the Orcad suite.
Orcad는 딱맞는 툴이다. from Cadence사 for the design and layout of PCBs.
우린 현재 사용중이다. version 9.2를 of the Orcad suite의.
This document will give you a crash course in designing an entire circuit board
from start to finish.
이 문서는 will give you a 집중훈련 in 디자이닝하는데 있어서 an 전체 회로 보드를
from 지작에서 끝까지.
This will be a very small and simple circuit,
but it will demonstrate the major concepts
and introduce the tools behind completing a PCB design.
이건 will be a 매우작은 심플 회로이다,
but it will 증명할것이다. the 주된 개념들을
and 소개할것이다. the 툴들을 behind 완성한후에 a PCB 디자인을.
After you have completed this tutorial,
you will know all the steps needed to make PCBs using Orcad.
The circuit you will design is shown in the figure below.
It is a dual polarity adjustable power supply.
A center tapped transformer, some diodes, 2 IC’s and few resistors and capacitors
are included in the circuit.
After 우리가 이미 완성한 다음 이 튜토리얼을,
우린 will 알것이다. 모든 단계들을 필요한 to 만들기위해 PCBs를 사용하여 Orcad를.
이 회로... 네가 will 디자인할 ...은 보여준다. in the 아래그림에서.
이건 쌍 극성 adjustable 전원공급이다.
A 중간탭 변압기, some 다이오드들, 2개 IC들 and few 저항들 and capacitor들
는 포함된다. in the 회로안에.
Orcad really consists of two tools.
Capture is used for design entry in schematic form.
Layout is a tool for designing the physical layout of components and circuits on a PCB.
During the design process,
you will move back and forth between these two tools.
Orcad는 정말 구성하고있다. 두개의 툴들로.
Capture is 사용된다. for 디자인 엔트리를 위해 in shematic 폼으로.
Layout는 툴이다. for 디자인하기위한 the 물리적 레이아웃을 of 부품들 and circuits on a PCB.
During the design process동안에,
넌 will 이동시킬것이다. back and forth between 이 두개의 툴들을.
2. Before You Begin
It is helpful to be very organized when you are designing.
First thing is to have a separate folder for every project.
If you have a folder called Projects on your drive,
don’t put all your projects directly in that folder
or you will create a mess that will waste your time
in locating a particular file of a particular project.
이건 도움이이 된다. to be 조직되는데 when 네가 디자인할때.
처음것은 to 갖는것이다. a 개별 폴더를 for 모든 프로젝트를위해.
만약 네가 갖고있으면 a 폴더를 불리는 Projects on 네 드라이브상에,
두지말아라 put all projects를 바로 in that 폴더안에
or 넌 will 만들것이다. a 덩어리를 that will 낭비하는 네 시간을
in 자리잡는데 a 특정 파일에 of a 특정 프로젝트의.
Instead you must have a new subfolder in it for your every project. Also Orcad will create many types of files for a single project and if you keep all of them in the same directory, it can quickly become very confusing.
I like to make a directory hierarchy and put associated files into subdirectories. As you will progress working in Orcad you will realize the importance of this strategy.
So ready for some action and create a folder called PowerSupply on a convenient location on your drive because you are going to browse it several times during this whole tutorial. Then create inside the PowerSupply folder three new folders. schematic – for your schematic files. libraries – for symbol and footprint libraries. board – for your board files. Your directory structure should look like the figure below.